Tuesday, August 26, 2008



“Para-” 點解?

跟據網上的Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary,以Para做prefix的解釋有:

1. para- (BEYOND) prefix
-Parapsychology is the study of abilities that go beyond what is natural and normal.
-paranormal phenomena

2. para- (SIMILAR) prefix
similar to, or helping to do a similar job:
a paramedic

1. Para-字首 prefix,表示"側","旁","與...並行","近旁","越超","誤亂"

如果係咁…唔明點解“Paralympic Games” 會被翻釋成“殘疾人士奧運會” ,再被簡單化,成為“殘奧會” 。個名…好鬼歧視…

跟據IPC的官網,The word "Paralympic" derives from the Greek preposition "para" ("beside" or "alongside") and the word "Olympics" (the Paralympics being the parallel Games to the Olympics). The word Paralympic was originally a pun combining 'paraplegic' and 'Olympic', however with the inclusion of other disability groups and the close associations with the Olympic Movement, it now represents 'parallel' and 'Olympic' to illustrate how the two movements exist side by side.

好明顯,人地係用“similar” 、“側” 和“前行” 的意思。人地個名改得好好,講緊係併行,無分高低的兩個event,唔明點解中國/香港會翻釋為“殘疾人士奧運會” 。一個完全遺背“Paralympics” 的意義的名字!

又跟據IPC的網頁所言,“the Paralympics are elite sport events for athletes from six different disability groups. They emphasize, however, the participants' athletic achievements rather than their disability.”

即是,佢地想璋顯的是殘疾人士的能力而非其殘疾身份,所以因而命名為”Paralympics” !人地都話唔去“emphasize人地個障疾”囉,啊“乜乜中國奧委會主席”,“物物香港奧委會主席”,你地有無睇佢IPC的資料嫁?唔識英文就查下字典啦!點解我地D中文人好似好無文化咁…

咁盛大的一個國際event,又話用左幾多幾多錢,咁唔該俾少少錢搵個有文化D的人翻釋過“Paralympics” 啦!

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